Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Horse Hair: Potentially Dangerous!

In a press release today, the National Institute of Health has announced the discovery of a potentially dangerous substance in the hair of horses.This substance, called "amo-bacter equuii" has been linked with the following symptoms in female humans:

Reluctance to cook

Reluctance to perform housework

Reluctance to wear anything but boots

Reluctance to work except in support of a horse

Physical craving for contact with horses (may be an addiction)

Beware: If you come in contact with a female human affected by this substance, be prepared to talk about horses for hours on end.

This has been a public service announcement.

HL in: not that I would want to do housework, cooking or working even if I didnt have a horse! But I do wear my Ariats EVERYWHERE,  all the time!

1 comment:

  1. The same substance can be found in the hair of obedience/rally/agility dogs and show dogs.

    And of course, once one ceases vacuuming the house, the substance builds up, perpetuating the cycle!

    Speaking from experience...
